Sunday, April 20, 2008

Geof's 1968 Writing & Perspective

1 comment:

Phil Irwin said...

Greetings! Compliments of Don Davis' historical files attached is a writing by Geof concerning what was going on both on and off campus in 1968. I wonder if you would be interested in adding your own reflections, memories, and perspectives about this time? Geof's article is posted in our blog. I will venture forth with some thoughts:

I realize that many of the articles I have sent around about MLK and the turbulence of the world in 1968 really were not on my radar or part of my every-day concerns when I was on the Mesa. I would read about the Tet Offensive, Watts riots, marches and protests in the LA Times every morning but these events did not consume much of my 'life concerns'.

Geof writes: "If we are in a time of true crises at least we have not lost our ability to enjoy life and to comprehend and value a form of living we may not agree with philosophically."

I was focussed on grades, sports, college choices, and the on-campus conflicts that centered around Fred Clark's autocratic actions and the resulting discord felt by both students and faculty. I also had a couple of adverse run-ins with Scott McLeod (if you have seen the movie Juno and recall the line: "I have been dealing with things way beyond my maturity level"....that was the feeling re: McLeod).

Courtney Carpenter attempted to bring out some broader world perspectives, but those were on what I would describe as philosophical (Camus, existentialism).

Geof writes: "There is hope (at Cate) the smiles on the faces and the willingness to share. Even more, there is future in the sincere attempts to understand each other and the world in which we live. The promise lies in the optimism of the human spirit. There is hope in the sun every morning."

Although I am not sure I awoke every morning with such a sense of hope, I do know that our class shared similar challenges and experiences in the years we were at Cate, recognizing we handled them differently based on our personas and our friendships. That is what made my four years remarkable as I look back.

I did come across my grades/markings and the faculty comments (remember the individual little 3x5 notes) - I have asked Selden Edwards if I were to bring them to our reunion whether he might reconsider his comments......!
